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The What


The Tidy Bee is a full-service home organizing company whose goal is to help you create peace of mind, clear your clutter and live a more simple and fulfilling life. Our approach is a holistic one, we believe that clearing your space is inextricably connected to happiness in every aspect of your life and we work with our clients to understand and address any anxieties or strains associated with their environment and belongings.



The How


We will guide you through our signature decluttering process, minimizing and simplifying your spaces, creating long-lasting systems, and ensuring that each area is set up for success and every space is used efficiently.



The End Result


Once we leave your home, our hope is that you will feel lighter, more full of joy and with a renewed level of productivity and love for your things and spaces. With practice and repetition, simplification should become a lifestyle, and while we’re happy to come back for maintenance visits, our hope is that they won’t be necessary.

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